Friday 30 September 2022

Lights, Camera, Action

Friday 30th September

 LO: to understand and practice using the principles of film making.

shot type

shot sizes, m tone meaning

establishing shot crucial 

master shot confirms location and characters in scene, their relationships

used for longer scenes

wide shot (ws) visually represent their relationship in their environment

long shot to show people in full, make statements in all their glory

medium full/ medium long shot top of the subjects head to the waist present subject as confident and confrontational

medium short, above the waist below the waist, above their chest, just above the head utilise a true middle ground approach

MCU medium close up, reduce distraction get intimate with a character head to chest

close up (cu) highlight a change in emotion in a dramatic scene dramatically effective

Extreme close up shot, focus on a features,  emphasis, 

insert shot, used to highlight an important object 


singles, feature s on e character, primary focus used to convey a characters isolation

two shot, both faces must be visible, visual relationship between two characters

three shot, four shot... 

over the shoulder hybrid of single and two shot, focus on one character at a time, perspective on both sides

pov , pov shot with pov audio

insert shot detail, way information is framed is more important 

camera angle

low angle, below a subject eye line, make subject more powerful

high angle makes a subject look less powerful, diminish a character, appear weak. environments, cities, landscapes 

overhead camera directly above the subject, capture details 

dutch angle off kilter image sense of unease, terror or bewilderment, magnify tension, 

eye level, 

shoulder level, slightly low angles but less dramatic emphasise a hight difference, can also advance an affectionate glance 

hip level, 

knee level shot, at knee height, doubling a slow angles 

ground level, to track a characters movements, 

camera movement

Shoot out video                                                                                                                                                       

"Not quite my tempo" Whiplash scene

in this scene Fletcher is getting Andrew to play the drums instead of the core drummer, the music keeps cutting which shows how aggravated Fletcher is becoming, because it's not the tempo he was looking for. This also shows that Fletcher is in control. Not just in the room, but in the film as well. Fletcher raises his hand to stop the band, however this motion causes a cut from the camera as well.

 These are subtle film making ways to build power with Fletcher. Stop after stop diffuses his reaction but not his power. His soft demeanour is coming in contrast to the power he is wielding. 
We see eight of those stopping motions, and it makes you tired until you get Fletcher bopping his head and turning around only to throw a chair at Andrew. 

The tone has shifted entirely. Before Fletcher threw the chair, we were getting typical shots, single shots primarily of both characters. and the way you frame these shots, is so that way the characters heads are roughly the same size. After Fletcher throws the chair, we get a side profile shot of disbelief focused on Andrew, but Fletcher still shown in a  medium shot 

.These characters are not on equal basis now. The angle and size difference of these shots now show the superiority.

 Until the action finally tilts forward now we see them both in the same shot (a two shot). When Andrew is told to count in tempo and gets slapped in the face by Fletcher, there's a cut on every hit. Since the camera is jumping to the other side of the characters, it looks like a back and fourth motion (to me its almost like a seesaw). 

When asked rushing or dragging, the shot changes, they're now at a hybrid single shot at a low angle to make Fletcher look more powerful.

 Then we come back to that earlier profile with the next shot. In conclusion the scene keeps building tension to give you the same kind of feeling that Andrew is feeling throughout that whole scene. 

Not quite my tempo scene

2nd of November

180 degree rule kept
too much of a horror movie vibe
music fits filter but not visual
music climax doesn't match visual
could've used a tripod 

Explain the task you were given and what you needed to consider. Explain your specific role and input.
The task given was a shoot-out of our choice, we had to consider the location, setting, storyline weather and the comfort of the people in the video. I was the "director" and editor in this instance. I had also spoken to the actors in question about the scene, how I'd like them stood, the emotions portrayed and their actions.

Explain which conventions you attempted to use and whether they were successful.

 I didn't particularly use any conventions, I used what I knew and had envisioned in my head (Walking towards the camera, the foot shots, the focus on the gun being raised).  

How does your media product convey a clear narrative?

The final product did have a clear narrative, despite the idea not being fully portrayed as it is not well-known to some, the final product ad it's own narrative to different people. However all narratives had a similar theme.

What did you do successfully and what would you need to improve/consider if redoing the task?

I think the idea was well executed, and I managed to keep in mind the 180 degree rule. However if I were to re-do this task, I would have to work on the audio and visual matching and fix the shakiness with a tripod, I was also told that it was giving viewers a horror movie aura. So, if i could redo this task I would try to correct all the filming and editing errors. 

Friday 9 September 2022

Skills development


L/O: research, plan and produce a product in response to a brief.

Genre: Indie Rock

Album title: I Can Talk

Band name: The Revival Division

Songs for the back of the album:

1. Symphony Sickness

2. Runaway

3. Centre of Attention

4. Where u At?

5. Orangeade

6. I Don't Know How I Feel About This

7. Sweet Chaos

8. Syndrome 

9. Rule The World

10. Mixtape

The album's theme and storyline is about running away. It starts with Symphony Sickness,  talking about someone that has had enough of the same four walls and the same small town and how it's taking a toll on the character's mental health. Therefore, in track two "Runaway", -as stated in it's name- The character decides to run away from home in hopes of finding something new and exciting. In this small town the characters disappearance becomes the main focus of the town "Centre of Attention" explains that. "Orangeade" is merely just a filler song, purely just mentioning how everything is going well. The character of this album starts having regrets when things start not going the way they planned "I Don't Know How I Feel About This" briefly shows the doubt that the character is having. In "Sweet Chaos" is showing both worlds: The small town in panic and also how the character is feeling about this whole situation. " Syndrome" is about how the character is feeling homesick and lost, after a while they will find the courage to let everyone know that they're alright and have been finding their way in the world. At this point the character is is feeling on top of the world. Everything has been going their way and they get to pursue their dream of creating music when finally the final song on the album "Mixtape" is the final release. 

Website link:

front cover:

back cover:

Album release social media post:

Tour social media post:

Continuity in images, wide gaps and that website needs alot TLC

Wednesday 7 September 2022

Media Intro

 I lived in France for roughly 15 years meaning I am fluent in French! I love all kinds of music but there are a few artists that piqued my interests recently, such as: Lovejoy, Mitski and many more. I love gaming, I mainly play The Sims 4 and Minecraft. My first concert was a BTS concert in 2019, right before COVID-19 hit.

Drug line campaign